I was born in Regina Sask. moved to Victoria BC in 1976 when I was traded from the Regina Pats to the Victoria Cougars. As a result of an injury my hope for playing professional hockey came to an abrupt end. I got my start in the auto industry in 1979 as a Business Manager working for some of the top import dealers on the west coast. In 2006 at the age of 49 my wife and I decided we wanted a change and spent the next year looking all over Canada for our dream home and property. We found it in the form of Country Lane Bed & Breakfast on Maquapit Lake. We moved here not knowing a single person except our realtor and now we know hundreds that we call our friends. We love the Maritimes and the people who live here, this is an amazing part of the world and will be our home for the rest of our lives. ...Read More
Tim and I have been the owners here since 2004. Since the beginning, I’ve handled administrative tasks such as payroll and accounts payable. I’m also often out and about going to the bank or picking up things like office supplies. On a personal note, our two girls, who were pre-schoolers back in ‘04, have grown and flown the coop. These days, Tim and I enjoy spending time on the water, boating or kayaking. The Mactaquac Head Pond has become our happy place!...Read More
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